"They were already in essentials the same [images] that I take up again in the present [work]--let us hope that the long interval has done them good, that they have become riper, clearer, stronger, more perfect! That I still cleave to them today, however, that they have become in the meantime more and more attached to one another, indeed entwined and interlaced with one another, strengthens my joy and assurance that they might have arisen in me from the first, not as an isolated, capricious, or sporadic things, but from a common root, from a fundamental will of knowledge, pointing imperiously into the depths, speaking more and more precisely, demanding greater and greater precision. For this alone is fitting for [an artist]. We have no right to isolated acts of any kind: we may not make isolated errors or hit upon isolated truths. Rather, do our ideas, our values, our yeas and nays, our ifs and buts, grow out of us with the necessity with which a tree bears fruit--related and each with an affinity to each, and evidence of one will, one health, one soil, one sun.--Whether you like them, these fruits of ours--What is that to the trees! What is that to us, to [artists]!"-